/adhd study aid.
As a result of remote learning students are retaining less information, engaging less and feel unmotivated. Remote students began experiencing short attention spam, fidgeting, getting easily distracted are the same students with ADD/ADHD experience daily.
Mira provides the right habit building tools so that students can continuously improve their time management and focus skills, motivating them for their online classes.
Students feel incapable to learn through on-line classes.*
*For those who suffer from ADHD it is impossible
/main insight.
Phone use is the main distraction during
on-line classes, yet students are unable to
put it away.
How might we use the cellphones distractive nature as something positive?
1. Place phone
on Mira
Compact size
LED light for visual signals
2. Mira will remind students to pay attention when they user their phone or wander off.
Charging dock
Speaker for auditory signals
/final product.